Safe Ways To Celebrate Holi When Pregnant

asked Feb 28, 2018 in Useful Tips by DADIMA

Safe Ways To Celebrate Holi When Pregnant

One of the most beautiful periods of a woman's life is when she is pregnant and is about to bring in a new life. This period is when she needs to be all the way more careful about her health. It is at this time (and post delivery even during the period when she is lactating) that what she eats and how much physical care she takes of her body have a direct impact on her child.

This often makes the young mother keep away from anything exciting or any form of festivity. Being away from all forms of festivities when everyone around is celebrating can have a very negative impact on the mental health of the pregnant woman which, in turn, affects the unborn child. Thus, it is very important to know how much is too much and be able to draw that fine line. With the festival of Holi being around the corner, this becomes all the way more important for pregnant women to know how much is too much. There is clearly no reason why you should keep away from all the festivities. Just following the ten tips given below will ensure that you have fun while keeping in mind the health and comfort of your little one in the womb. 

1. Do Not Dance 

If you are in your first trimester and have not yet begun to show (or made the formal pregnancy announcement yet), chances are that your friends will try to drag you to shake a leg or two to the beats of festivity. Make sure you do not get carried away. It is a good practice to think of an excuse beforehand for situations like this that are bound to arise. If you think that your not dancing at a particular family event might offend people, you may consider making the grand pregnancy announcement on this auspicious day. 

2. Eat Well 

Keep yourself well hydrated throughout the day. In case you are suffering from gestational diabetes, make sure that you keep away from fried and fatty foods. Keep the consumption of traditional sweets to a bare minimum. Over-consumption of food will lead to indigestion, acidity and heartburn and that is something you would not want to deal with in this delicate phase of life. Hence, it is all the way more important for you to ensure that you do not eat food items that trigger the same. 

3. Avoid Larger Gatherings 

The larger the number of people involved, the greater are the chances of the crowd getting boisterous. You cannot expect people to understand your condition there. Hence, the best you can do is to keep away from all such gatherings and rather spend the festival of colours with your immediate family and close friends. 

4. Do Not Play With Water Colours 

It is obvious that wherever there is water colour, there is an associated risk of slipping. In your delicate state, a slip and fall injury may well result in brain injuries to the fetus, displacement of the fetus, a miscarriage or the need for a pre-mature caesarean delivery. Since you do not want any of that, the best thing you can do is avoid playing with the water colours and rather opt for dry powder colours. 

5. Use Oil And Moisturizer 
It is a good practice to cover all your exposed body parts with a layer of oil. In case you are uncomfortable with the idea of applying oil to all your body parts, you can opt for some form of a moisturizer or petroleum jelly as well. Doing so will ensure that the colours will not get absorbed. It also ensures that washing off of the colours is also easier. 

6. Dress Comfortably 
While all that festivity around may tempt you to try to look at your glamorous best, it is important to realize that during this delicate phase of life, it is important for you to be comfortable. Hence, do not wear tight-fitting clothes. Also, keep away from high heels and ensure that the footwear that you are wearing is absolutely comfortable. 

7. Keep Away From Fire 

The festivity that surrounds Holi demands that one burns the holika bonfire. While doing so, make sure that you maintain a safe distance from the same. Also, ensure that the bonfire is being lit in a well-ventilated place. If this is not done, things might get too smoky, which can even make you go dizzy. Also, make sure you do not wear synthetic ornyllon clothing that might catch fire easily. 

8. Do Not Get High 

It is a well-accepted fact that one must not consume alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. Hence, it is fair to expect that consumption of bhang during Holi is equally harmful to your unborn child. It may lead you to experiencing severe symptoms like dizziness or fainting. This type of callousness on your part may even lead to the nerve cells of the unborn child being affected. Hence, no matter how excited you are about all the festivity surrounding Holi, remember that bhang is not an option for you. 

9. Do Not Wear Short Clothes 

Try to wear full-sleeved churridar or salwar kameez. This will ensure that greater part of your body is covered and that there is lesser amount of colours and other harmful chemicals that are being absorbed by the body. 

10. Be Happy

It is a well-accepted fact that the health and well-being of the child depends greatly on the mental state of the mother. Hence, while the entire society rejoices itself to the festivity of Holi, make sure that you soak in the bliss of the festival as well. Doing so will make things easier for you and for your unborn child and make this memorable period of your life all the way more special.

Source : Bold Sky

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